Around 4pm I went back to my hotel to fetch my bags. I drug both of them out onto the sidewalk. I looked down the street for a cab. They're all painted the same, black with a yellow roof, and they are all different model cars so it's difficult to choose the most reputable cab company, 'radio taxi'. to my knowledge, you can only tell it's a 'radio taxi' by the logo on the back door.
nevertheless, i was able to wave one down. the taxi driver put my bags in the back seat and i sat up front with him. we spoke a little spanish, but not much. he was very kind. this cab ride was a peso less than before (same distance). a taxi ride from recoleta to alto palermo was 9.60 pesos.
my new apartment!!! ahhh, big sigh of relief, i'm here, i can now begin my life in BsAs. my roommate for the next 2 weeks is awesome. she's easy to talk to, very happy and has a positive outlook on life. she'll be heading back to the states for christmas break. when she returns in march, i'll have to find a new place to live. In the mean time I'll live here and take care of her cat Lily.
after we chatted for a while, i un-packed my luggage and stored the bags away! no more living out of a suitcase!!!!
in the evening i took a walk around the neighborhood and then went to the grocery store. now that i can cook for myself i should be ok with food. I spent around 60 pesos. i bought a bottle of wine (9 pesos), a large chunk of cheese (9 pesos), box of tea (25 tea bags (5 pesos)), and some pasta, sauce, apples, tomatoes, a yogurt and crackers.
yay! it must feel good to be settled. i am glad you chose this apartment, sounds great!
Yillabean, just wanted to let you know that you have a faithful reader. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your daily adventures trying out life in Buenos Aires (to where my wife and I will be moving in the middle of January). By the way, you left out the word "to" in the title of your blog. Looking forward to reading more.
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