oh yes, Bs.As. has found the solution to wanting to wear your socks with your sandals, the all in one sock sandal.
I've seen them several times on several ladies here, but not until now was I able to sneek a photo.
my journey of giving it all up and moving to buenos aires
when i was looking into making this move, i sought out blogs of others who made the journey before me. i wanted to know how they planned, if they were nervous and how much money they spent. i didn't find too many blogs like this, so i started my own. follow me as a give up a comfortable good american life for an argentine adventure.
Noah loved that video! He was so fascinated by it. His only request... MORE COWBELL!
Ah, I laughed so hard when I read your comment! MORE COWBELL!
Congrats on finding the school looking for teachers!!
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