Buenos Aires is an amazing city. There will always be a special place in my heart for Tina. Always.
Today not only marks my one year anniversary but it also marks the beginning of a new journey.
This morning I bought a one-way ticket to Ecuador. I'll leave my lovely Tina in just one month.
The last two months for me were difficult. I went through a ruff period. I wasn't happy with my job and it seemed to affect every part of my life. I have the mentality that if something is not working, than I need to do something to change it. A solution doesn't always pop into my head, but rather it comes to me slowly, but it comes with assurance, assurance that it's the right decision. there's no doubt and my heart knows it.
I want a career where I can make a difference and where I have the feeling of making a difference. Living a green eco-friendly life has always appealed to me. I want to turn this interest into a career. I want to make a difference in our world, in our environment.
To make this happen, I'll live in Ecuador for two months. I'll volunteer on an eco-project. After Ecuador I'll go to Colombia and then to another country that begins with a 'C'. Come the end of March I'll make my re-entry into the U.S.A.
I'm truely happy and I'm truly looking forward to my new adventure. I'm going to learn so much, gain experience in the field, and grow. Once I return to the U.S, I'm looking forward to eating and dating again.
I have the same excited, with a dash of fear feeling of joy that I had when I made the choice to move to Argentina. I never regretted the decision and this decision feels right too.
I loved my year here more than anyone can know, but I can feel it's time to move on.

We knew you were going to do this, and it is good that you have worked out this new direction so thoroughly, but that does not mean that we aren't going to miss you ... not to mention little white Sophie. We hoped you would be around for a few more months, but one month is better than nothing. See you soon, as soon as I have survived this horrible case of flu.
thank you for your kind message!!!
i will miss you, sofie and H too! no doubt about that!
rest up, we need to catch up over a bottle of something you brought back from your vacation!
Happy anniversary! And congrats on the new adventure! Maybe we can get together in the summer, you won't believe how much Noah has grown. Will you continue to blog about your new adventures?
Thanks Nancy!
Yesssss, I see from your blog that Noah's growing so fast. He's really tall and super cute!
I'm thinking of starting a new blog about me becoming green. If I do, I'll let you know!
Wow! I hope you'll continue to blog from Ecuador and I regret that I probably won't meet you. I wish you the best. Also, when you get ready to go to that other country that begins with a "C", I might be able to give you some helpful tips since I lived there for a a year and a half.
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