whether i get the job or not i'm excited for what the future holds. while i like teaching, i want to move into another job. if i get the b.a. job i'll be making a one-year commitment. thinking about a one-year commitment makes me feel more rooted and settled; something i haven't felt in a long long time.
if i don't get the job i think i'll start looking for a job back in the u.s.. something in my field, but within an organization that makes a difference within the community, city, environment or something that i can believe in.
if i would return to the states (that is if i don't get the job), i'd like to return in the april / may window. i could not imagine leaving buenos aires now. i have just one more month until it's spring time, then one more month until all the trees turn purple with flowers, then one more month until the sidewalks turn purple from the falling flowers and then one more month to 90 degree days with clear skies.
what ever my future looks like, i'm sure it will be beautiful.

Do you get emails from SALT? They have a lot of jobs posted in the Baltimore/DC area right now in our field if you need to look back here.
No, I've never heard of SALT, but I'll look into it.
I'm going to wait and see how my life unfolds here. I like B.A. and hope I get the job here, but if I don't, I could see a move home in the future.
Thanks for the heads up!
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