(photo below: pipe cleaner looking flower)

my journey of giving it all up and moving to buenos aires
when i was looking into making this move, i sought out blogs of others who made the journey before me. i wanted to know how they planned, if they were nervous and how much money they spent. i didn't find too many blogs like this, so i started my own. follow me as a give up a comfortable good american life for an argentine adventure.
That hanging-out-the-door image makes me feel a bit queasy.
Those kids are a riot!
hahaha, i feel like i could easily be a safety enforcer in b.a. "excuse me sir but that is dangerous, please stay inside the train while it's in motion" and the list could go on...
the kiddies were cute. i never seen so many of those cars and the accidents were hysterical (no one was hurt, they just looked shocked)
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