Thursday, June 18, 2009

food food food

three weeks ago i lost my appetite for more than 5 days. i knew it would come back at some point, but i must admit i was a little scared that i'd never like food again (and what a terrible life that would be)

my appetite is back and in a really big way.

since my roommate moved in, i've been eating wonderful meals every night. i've cooked a couple of them, but she's prepared majority of them. we always share dinner with a bottle of wine and talk for a couple hours.

a couple days ago the neighbor girls invited me out to an 'all-you-can-eat' restaurant. we were 15 people total. the neighbor girls and i easily out-ate everyone at our table. each time they got up to announced 'time for more', i was right behind them.

that night i had paella, sushi, pasta, nachos, cheese plate, ice cream, crepe, and a plate full of desserts. i felt no guilt in making up for 5 days of lost time.

(photos below: all three were mine)


Nancy said...

Yay for cooking roomies!

jenna said...

i love a good hearty appetite, especially at all-you-can-eat places. those people with one plate of food, that's for da birds.