Nick went with me to pick up my pretty new well designed piece of machinery. He didn't just go with me, but he was also my apple consultant, a financier, a body guard and then a personal Apple trainer!
We spent some time talking to an Apple guru. He was helpful in explaining some of the tools. Once he was done showing us around, Nick asked about a Military discount. Out of no where a guy jumps in and starts talking to us.... and talking....and talking. He had nothing to say that related to a discount, rather he wanted to tell Nick his own Military stories. All three of us (me, Nick and Apple guy) stood there listening to the man but after some time we realized he had nothing to say that was related to the previous conversation. Nick was a champ, he continued to nod his head to the loopie man while I asked the Apple guy more questions. Nice defense Nick!
At first I was thinking about getting a refurbished Mac with Nick's Military discount on top, but we weren't able to stack discounts. Turns out, Nicks student ID carried more of a discount, so that's the route we went (hence the financier part). Once we left the store I didn't want to carry the computer out. It was in a sleek box that had APPLE MACBOOK written on it. They should have just written "Jump me I have a computer" on the box, so I made Nick carry it. I thought that it would be less likely he would get jumped than me.
Afterward we went out to dinner (thanks again Nick), then went back to his place for some personal Apple training. I am soooo glad he showed me around. I felt like a new computer user, but once I was shown, I thought it was a more streamline approach to doing things.
Last night felt like my own personal Christmas and Nick was my own personal Santa.
1 comment:
Ha ha I love it! I had a great time! You are missed allready and you still have 30 more days before you go. Night shift will never be the same.
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