this weekend i kept thinking over and over how i got so lucky. i would have never dreamed this moved would have gone so well. i don't own anything anymore, just my computer and my clothes, but i feel so rich in so many ways. i have so much, but all these things, that make me feel so rich, don't carry a price.Friday, April 17th, 2009
Around 10:30pm I left my apartment to go to the 'Mercado Chino', (Chinese Grocery store) for some wine to take to a party. They're the only ones who are open late. However, for some reason they were closed AND the next Mercado Chino I tried to go to was closed too. Was it a Chino holiday? Since I couldn't buy a bottle of wine for the party I stopped at a kiosko (mini convenience store) to buy some chocolate.
We arrived to the party around 11pm. A friend hosted a birthday party for another friend in her 'party room' of sorts. (Her apartment building has a common gathering room). There were around 80 people there. I spoke only a little Spanish; I felt so tired since I didn't have a nap. (waaaaa). Around 4am a couple of us got a taxi home (early to normal time to leave a Argentine party)
Satuday April 18th 2009
Around noon I woke up, but I didn't get out of bed until 1pm. Around this time I received a text invitation to a polo match in my neighborhood. Giddy up! By 2pm I headed out the door, stopped at a restaurant to pick up a sandwich and then took the bus to the game (10 pesos ($2.60). At the match I met up with 4 of my B.A. girlfriends.

(photo below: the horses being walked to their staging area. they're wearing their jump-suits and leggings)

(photo below: Argentine against the rest of the world (seriously)....and Argentina won!!!)

After I made some food (chicken salad zzzzzz) I rested for a hour. Luckily I woke up head ache free. Around 10am I met up with two of my friends, jumped on a colectivo and headed to my first asado (Argentine BBQ). It was a smaller sized dinner party, 11 total. We were celebrating a friends last night in B.A. before she goes home.

Looks like a fun day at the polo match! Are the friends you met from here or are they from BA? Do you get to speak Spanish with them?
i met all the friends i have here in b.a.. most are from the u.s., some are from other countries and just a few are argentine.
during the day, at the polo match, we were 4 americans and one girl from the netherlands. we spoke english the whole time
for dinner we were 3 americans, 7 argentines and a french girl. we spoke a mix of spanish and english depending on who was in the conversation or who was listening.
unfortunately, i don't practice spanish as much as i should. i always fall into english.
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