Last night Moira and I got our fingerprints and a tour of our local police station. The jail cells look like they do on TV, but the beds didn't have mattresses. After I commented on this I was told "this isn't the Hilton". True. Good Answer.
So, this afternoon I was able to mail away for my birth certificate and criminal background check (both needed to apply for working papers in Argentina).

I also made an eye exam appointment in D.C. My health insurance covers eye exams every 2 years. Since I had my last eye exam last year, my eye doc won't sell me contacts without another eye exam (which are expensive without insurance). Danielle got an eye exam AND 3 months of contacts for $99 at her er um
my eye dr. Sounded like a reasonable price to me. So, instead of doing research to see if there are any deals in my area I made an appointment for Oct 3 in the morning (I need to be in her area anyway for pre-wedding prep)
$10 - Birth Certificate$18 - Criminal Background Check$0.75 - Cost of money order for bkgd check.
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