(a day in the country side)
before my family arrived, i started to do some research on estancias (places you can go for the day or the weekend. estancias are in the country and generally include bbq, horseback riding and entertainment). anyway, there are a bajillion estancias surrounding the city of buenos aires. i began clicking on all the websites, but i was too overwhelmed. so, i sought out some professional help....
i contacted sandra at http://www.batravelguide.com. she helped me narrow down my search depending what day i wanted to go and what activities i was looking for. once i chose an estancia, we met over coffee to chat. i paid her directly and she gave me a voucher and arranged the transportation (which was included in the cost). it was so much easier than planning it myself.
the shuttle, that drove us to the estancia, picked us up at 8:45am. we were the first to get on the 20 passenger tour bus. the bus was clean and it had an informational cd playing. we drove into centro to pick up more people, who weren't ready, so we circled the block. we did a lot of circling, but my family got to see the center of the city.
next we drove out to the famous metal flower that opens and closes. a new guide got on our shuttle. the microphone system she used nearly knocked out my ear drum. over the ringing in my ear she gave some more history on the city and landmarks we were passing by.

nevertheless we arrived at "Don Silvano" safely, around 11:15am.

(photo below: our first activity. horse drawn carriage ride with a gaucho. i forget if we determined that he was my future husband or my future brother-in-law)

(photo below: after we arrived home we went to the near by bakery to buy virtually one of each of these delicious treats)

1 comment:
woah! dudes standing on horses!
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