when i re-woke-up, i spent time putting the apartment back together after the girls night.

(<--photo: most condiments are sold in this packaging. there is a white cap on the left at the top.)
By the end of the night my brain stopped working, but it was good practice. i liked it.
after dinner we went out to a bar. we stayed out until 4:00am. (early here). when we took a taxi home we passed a club in my neighborhood where there was still a long line of people waiting to get in. people were still arriving to the club at 4:30am (normal here).
i still don't know how they do it. i was beat all day long (today). i woke up early to have a skype date with a friend from home and then just laid around all day.
in the afternoon i made some empanadas for my weekend 'portero' (doorman). he's nice to talk to and he doesn't speak any english. i like talking to him because he'll repeat things without getting frustrated. it's good practice for me.
around 6pm i went to the park to study, but instead i ended up letting my mind wonder. i also did some people watching too.
at 9:30 tonight i went for an ice cream run. 9 pesos bought 260 grams of deliciousness.
1 comment:
I still can't get over the "night owl-ness" in BA! I'm working hard to reform myself from late nights... kinda have to with a baby man!
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