In the morning my landlord / neighbor (neighord) and his wife offered to take me grocery shopping via auto (car). This may sound silly, but it was such a treat to go grocery shopping, get as much as I wanted and NOT carry it home. (yes I can get it delivered, but I rarely do)
I took them up on their offer. They picked me up at 9:50am and we headed to the "Jumbo". The "shoem-bo" is like a wal-mart. As I stood in the middle of the store I was amazed at how big and clean and the variety of products they had. When I commented on how nice it was his wife said "don't you have stores like this in the U.S.?"...."yes, but I haven't seen one in three months". I've gotten use to the small, somewhat dirty, no product variety, harden cheeses, rotting fruit kind of grocery stores. Even if you bought a specific product last week, it probably won't be there this week (unless it's a pasta, pizza or empanada ingredient).
Next time I go to "shoem-bo" it will be on a photo-shoot. I saw so many interesting products, but felt funny taking photos in their presents.
The Feach!
5 of my girl friends and I went to the Buenos Aires Playa (B.A. beach). Since some residents in B.A. don't leave the city for the summer, B.A. brought the beach to them. In a nearby park, the city created a fake beach to which we referred to as the 'feach'.
We took a bus, then a train which was free because they ran out of coins. (something that is common here). It took us a while to get there but it was worth it.
The 'feach' was so cute. It was in a park next to the river. The city laid down a strip of sand and placed yellow chairs and yellow umbrellas in it. There was a volley-ball court, live reggae music and sprinklers for cooling off. We had a picnic and then laid in the sun for a hour or so.
When I got home I was so tired after only 5 hours of sleep the previous night, so after unpacking just one of my two suitcases I crashed by 10pm (dinnertime in Argentina)

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