it was nice to come home to a postcard of Philadelphia :-)

my journey of giving it all up and moving to buenos aires
when i was looking into making this move, i sought out blogs of others who made the journey before me. i wanted to know how they planned, if they were nervous and how much money they spent. i didn't find too many blogs like this, so i started my own. follow me as a give up a comfortable good american life for an argentine adventure.
I like you fine the way you are ... and the way you are is brave, adventurous, curious, smart, approachable, kind-hearted, and ... well, take this the right way, really damn nice looking.
aw. thank you for the sweet comment. i appreciate it.
oooh, look at all those compliments!
I also think you're a fun, adventurous, smart, super-nice hottie. A pox on mean people.
Carlos says hi. He and the Latin American club (of which he is president or treasurer or something...the nut) are trying to plan a "trek" in the next year. A trek is an academic business trip, so they tell themselves so they can use student loans for it, and some school money. They probably spend like 2-3 hours per day learning stuff and meeting with people and the rest of the time drinking beer and hitting on girls.
Anyhow, BA is on their list of destinations! You might have a visitor!
Thank you Jenna for the nice compliments. :-) I've never had thick skin. It's something I've always hated, but now it's part of who I am. On the upside, I believe I'm more in tune with others and their feelings.
Keep me posted if the Latin American club pays a visit to B.A. How fun! Will you come along as their research analyst?
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