
if you step in 'caca de perro' and then put your hand in your pocket it's argentine good luck.' (unfortunately i was wearing a dress)
nice try, but i don't buy it, but i do give argentines a hand for trying to turn something negative into a positive.
it reminds me of the catalans and their 'caganer' (pooping man) who is found in the nativity scene at christmas time.
poop is positive.
Holy crap (pun intended)!!! I am cracking up... not about you stepping in the poo but the pooping man! Tell me more, what's the scoop behind that one. I have to get me one of those!
I too love the Caganer. Before traveling to Spain for Christmas last year I was reading up on customs, culture and all those things. I came across some info on the pooping man. I didn't believe it. How could a pooping man be so close to the baby Jesus? Sure enough, it was true.
The Caganer represents regular people (in the every one poops kind of way). Also he is a symbol of fertility (fertilizing the mother earth). I also think he goes along well with the Catalan sense of humor.
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