Saturday January 3, 2009
This morning I met up with a friend for a BA breakfast (coffee & 3 medialunas). Afterward, we walked to Plaza Serrano to look in some stores. The first time I went there, I didn't go into any of the shops, this time we went into most of them. I behaved, I didn't buy anything... ohh, shoot I lie. I bought a simple white top because the one I own has a stain on it. (my justification to myself). White shirt 35 pesos ($10)
* Exchange rate changed again. It's now at 3.45 Argentine pesos for 1 U.S. dollar
During our walk I was inspired to take photos of the house numbers on the sides of the buildings. They're very 'typical Buenos Aires'. (*see post below, on January 3rd)
Here are some more from the Plaza Serrano neighborhood...

(photo below: "Vuelve" means "He returns")
In the evening, another friend asked me if I wanted to get a drink at a converted mansion in Recoleta. We met up at 10 and headed over, via colectivo (bus). It was a bit pricier than I anticipated. A cosmopolitan martini was 25 pesos ($7) and we shared a 35 peso tapas ($10). Yes, it is inexpensive for U.S. standards and if I were working I would not worry, but I should be worrying, since there is no peso income at the moment.
(photo below: We sat outside, in the private garden. This is the mansion from the back. It was very beautiful and quite)
More friends arrived, then more drinks arrived (none for me), then a drunk Scotish guy interrupted our conversation, no one understood him, more drinks arrived and then 3:30am arrived. I said I wanted to take the colectivo home, but others said it wasn't safe and they didn't want me to take it by myself, so I stayed on board until 4:30am arrived. How did I do it? I have no idea!
Are you asking yourself, "what time do the bars in Bs.As. close"? I don't know. I haven't stayed out late enough yet. I'll be sure to post when I see the bartenders flipping the lights on and off and yelling out "last call".
Sunday January 4, 2009
Remarkably I woke up at 11am, showered and met a friend at 1:15pm. We took the subte (subway) to the street market (which is every Sunday) in San Telmo. Today was very hot (88 degrees). I had a cafe to go to in mind, because we both didn't eat breakfast, but the cafe was closed for vacation. We walked around and she spotted red table umbrellas and... ah-ha...there was a cafe, a cute one too. The male waiters were cute, but I wondered why they wore little sailor hats. Once the waiter gave us the menu the name of the cafe, "Pride cafe", tipped me off that it was a gay cafe. The breakfast was amazing! My favorite so far. The coffee was good, the display was beautiful, the fruit was fresh and the waiters were cute. coffee - 7 pesos, fresh fruit, yogurt, cereal 10 pesos, water 5 pesos, one medialuna (it's a must!) 2 pesos. Total - 24 pesos ($7)
(photo below: my breakfast this morning. sorry, no pictures of the cute waiters. p.s. that is not a shot glass, well maybe it is but it's just a small...ok it's a shot glass, but just of sparkeling water. This is commonly given when you order coffee. I'm told you are to drink it before your coffee to cleanse your palet)

Walking around the market was fun. I didn't buy anything else. I did look for a present, but didn't find what I was looking for. My friend bought some art for her bedroom. Oh wait, I did buy helado. 5 pesos for a small coconut and vanilla ice cream. ummmmm
(photo below: taken in my neighborhood)

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